童聲童戲 – 遊戲文化推廣計劃 Play Culture Promotion Programme 2020-21

由兒童事務委員會贊助,賽璐珞影像文化主辦及策劃的「童聲童戲 – 遊戲文化推廣計劃」啟動了!



Sponsored by the Commission on Children, organized and planned by Fotologue Culture Ltd, the “Children’s Voice Children Play-Play Culture Promotion Project” has been launched!

With the concept of “Article 31 of the United Nations Children’s Convention”, the plan will promote the importance of art, culture and play to the development of children by organizing two activities: guided Play Tours and educational exhibition to the public. The event was held from June to August of 2021.

The following are the highlights of the Play Tour: